If you would like to engage in discussions about photography and imaging you might consider subscribing to an e-mail discussion group. About 50 of these lists are mentioned below. Most are available in English but you will also find them in Spanish, Portugese, Greek, Swedish, etc.
You can subscribe (or signoff) to each of these lists by sending e-mail to the address each list uses to accept subscription and other requests (like signoff and review) as given below.
The subscription and unsubscription procedures vary a bit from list to list but suffice it to say that subscribe instructions are given below for each list. Note that a signoff request (typically something like: unsubscribe followed by the list's name) should go to the _same_ address you sent the request to subscribe to. Also, this request usually should come from the same address you used to subscribe with. It is not good manners to send such requests to the list itself. HINT: It really helps to keep the welcome message with the signoff instructions. Trust me, you'll need it later.
If you know of other Internet photography or imaging related lists or if you have updated information about any of the lists mentioned below please let me know so that I can correct this file. Send to my address below:
Andy Davidhazy, andpph@rit.edu, at the School of Photographic Arts and Sciences, RIT
To subscribe to PhotoForum on the Internet, a list for photography and imaging
educators, professionals and students everywhere, send e-mail to:
in body of message write only the following material and no more:
SUBSCRIBE PHOTOFORUM your-real-name-here
where it says: your-real-name-here substitute in your real name and send msg.
- general photography and imaging list with emphasis on photo/imaging education and
professional practice. Extensive list services include worldwide database of
schools offering photo education, eclectic list of FAQ files, member's gallery, links to
manufacturer's sites, photographic associations, societies, galleries, individuals,
and much more.
www: photoforum.html
To subscribe to NPPA-L National Press Photogs. Association list send mail to:
in body of message write only the following material and no more:
SUBSCRIBE NPPA-L your-name-here
where it says: "your name here" substitute in your real name and send msg.
- central electronic meeting place for visual communicators, news photographers,
photo editors, systems and graphics editors, freelancers, page designers,
journalism educators, students, for discussion of topics of prof. interest
To subscribe to the UK-PJs, the UK PHOTOJOURNALIST mailing list run by
Tony Hall
who is chief photographer at a UK newspaper.
to subscribe via the web, go to....
www: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/uk-pjs
To subscribe to UPAA-L University Photographers Association of America list send mail to:
stating on the Subject line this:
- This list is managed by Dean Carothers, dean@sunny16.photo.tntech.edu of Tennessee
Technological University, Cookeville, TN.
- you can also subscribe on the web at: http://www.upaalist.org/
- for members of this Association but also open to everyone interested.
www: http://www.upaa.org/
STREETPHOTO is a list for people interested in Street
Photography as practised
by Cartier-Bresson, Frank, Winogrand, Klein,
Friedlander and many others.
There are a host of practising street
photographers on the list.
You can read & subscribe to this list on the Web at:
To subscribe to the PhotoArt list address a message to:
Then in body of message write the following material:
SUBSCRIBE PHOTOART (insert your full first and last or family names here)
and then send message.
- PhotoArt list for photography as an art form and a vehicle for theoretical
www: http://redgum.bendigo.latrobe.edu.au/~mclennan/PhotoArt/PhotoArt.html
To subscribe to the Nature Photography Discussion List
go to the following web address to complete subscription procedure:
for those interested in animal and nature photography to exchange information and thoughts.
To subscribe to the Rocky Mountain Photographers (RMP) list go to the following website:
and follow subscription instructions.
- a list for the discussion of topics relating to photography in the Rocky Mountain Region
www: the list's website is at: http://rmp.opusis.com
To subscribe to PrairiePhoto - a mailing list and photo database for photographers from
(or interested in) the Canadian prairies and northern U.S. midwest.
The subscription instructions can be found at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/prairiephoto
Terry Graham
terry.graham@sk.sympatico.ca and
Jim MacKenzie photojim@yahoo.com co-moderate the list.
To subscribe to NaturePhotoTrips for professional and amateur photographers to
discuss Nature and Landscape photography trips taken, and still in the planning stage.
go to the following website to complete the subscription procedure:
www: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/NaturePhotoTrips
To subscribe to Alternative Photo Processes L send a one line message to
in body of message write only the following material and no more:
subscribe alt-photo-process-l
- a list on silver, non-silver, obsolete processes, modifications to current processes
To subscribe to ALTARTCRAFT, another alternative photographic processes list.
simply send a blank e-mail to:
To subscribe to The STOCKPHOTO Network Mailing List, send a message to:
in body of message write only the following material and no more:
-list to allow professional stock photographers, stock photography libraries,
stock photo-buyers, students, and anyone else interested in the stock photography
industry to participate in an open global discussion on topics of professional interest.
www: http://www.stockphoto.net/
To subscribe to Photo-3D send the one line message shown below to
in body of message write only the following material and no more:
SUBSCRIBE PHOTO-3D your-real-name-here
where it says: your-real-name-here substitute in your real name and send msg.
- discussion about stereo and 3D photography
To subscribe to Tech-3D send the one line message shown below to
in body of message write only the following material and no more:
SUBSCRIBE TECH-3D your-real-name-here
where it says: your-real-name-here substitute in your real name and send msg.
- discussion about the technical side of stereo and 3D photography
www: 2500 digests, keyword searchable, at http://calcite.rocky.edu/photo-3d
To subscribe to SELL-3D send the one line message shown below to
in body of message write only the following material and no more:
SUBSCRIBE SELL-3D your-real-name-here
where it says: your-real-name-here substitute in your real name and send msg.
- list to buy/sell stereo and 3D photography equipment
www: 2500 digests, keyword searchable, at http://calicte.rocky.edu/photo-3d
To subscribe to 3D Forum visit the following website
and follow the instructions for joining the forum.
- discussion and place to display your 3D photos
To subscribe to PAN360, the Panoramic Imaging list go to:
and register with smartgroups.com to join the PAN360 list
- this list is dedicated to the discussion of all aspects of Panoramic Imaging
from traditional film based cameras to digital imaging and includes panorama related VR applications.
The list is not moderated and is open to anyone interested in the subject.
To subscribe to Phototuj PJ list at Temple U. send the one line message below to:
in body of message write only the following material and no more:
SUBSCRIBE PHOTOTUJ your-real-name-here
where it says: your-real-name-here substitute in your real name and send msg.
- a photojournalism discussion group located at Temple University
To subscribe to UW-PHOTO (Underwater Photo) address a message to:
in body of message write only the following material and no more:
then send the message and that is all there is to it.
- underwater photography mailing list - all aspects of this photo specialty
www: http://dorothy.as.arizona.edu:8008/uw-photo/
To subscribe to PURE-SILVER B&W photo list go to:
and follow directions there to sign-up.
- For the discussion of all aspects of serious Black & White photography.
To subscribe to the INFRARED-PHOTOGRAPHY list send e-mail to:
stating in the BODY of the message
subscribe infrared-digest (if you want the list in digest form)
- covering all aspects of IR photography, from films to composition, etc.
www: http://www.a1.nl/phomepag/markerink/mainpage.htm
To subscribe to the PINHOLE photography discussion list send email to:
stating in the Subject: line or body of the message the following:
- this list covers all aspects of pinhole photography.
List info and archive at website below.
www: http://www.pinhole.com/discussion/
To subscribe to the PINHOLE NEWS newsletter, send email to:
State in the Subject: line or body of the message the following:
- Weekly mailings of new exhibits, workshops, and other news related to pinhole photography
www: http://www.pinhole.com/diary/mailRequest.html
To subscribe to the ASTRO-PHOTO list address a message to:
Then in body of message write only the following material and no more:
and then send message.
-devoted to astro-photography techniques, equipment & telescopes used,
gas-hypering film, and more.
To subscribe to the APML - AstroPhotography Mailing List dedicated
to photographing the heavens below is the URL for the list's archives and how to subscribe:
www: http://www.system.missouri.edu/apml/
This list may exist no longer. Anyome with news please contact the author
of this page.
To subscribe to the BCAtalk - the BioCommunications Association listserv
address a message to:
Then leaving the Subject line blank, in body of message write only the following material and no more:
SUBSCRIBE BCATALK yourfirstname yourlastname
and then send message.
- open to members and non-members to exchange information on techniques, products, and
general networking and for anyone interested in medical,
scientific, or forensic imaging technologies who need or have skills in photography,
videography, illustration, computer graphics or other related fields.
To subscribe to the Nikon Users list send mail to:
and in the body of the message say only:
or, if you want to subscribe to the digest version say:
- Devoted to Nikon cameras and accessories
www: http://www.nikonusers.org
To subscribe to the Nikon Manual Focus list send mail to:
and in the body of the message say only:
or, if you want to subscribe to the digest version say:
- Devoted to manual focus Nikon cameras and accessories
There is also a list dedicated to the Nikon D1: D1scussion
find details at:
To subscribe to MAMIYA Users Group (MUG) list send e-mail to:
and in the body of message write only the following:
- Devoted to Mamiya cameras, their lenses, accessories, and photographs.
an alternative method is to use the online web site form at
To subscribe to the HASSELBLAD users group mailing list send message to:
in body of message write only the following material and no more:
- Devoted Hasselblad cameras, their lenses and accessories.
If you have problems subscribing or unsubscribing to the Hasselblad Users Group mailing list,
an alternative method is to use the online web site form at
www: http://mail.kelvin.net/guest/RemoteListSummary/Hasselblad
To subscribe to the Hasselblad Reflections eNews send an email to:
stating in the Subject: line simply:
- Reflections eNews is an on-line newsletter featuring education, product
and technology information of interest to Hasselblad enthusiasts.
To subscribe to Canon EOS list send the one line message shown below to:
in body of message write only the following material and no more:
(or say SUBSCRIBE EOS your-e-mail-address-here) and then send msg.
- Canon EOS cameras and EOS cameras in practice
www: http://avocado.pc.helsinki.fi/archives/eos or http://www.psych.helsinki.fi/mailman/listinfo/eos
or maybe this is more current: http://www.a1.nl/phomepag/markerink/eos_list.htm
To subscribe to EOS-3 list send a blank message to:
E-groups will use the reply address as the e-mail to subscribe.
web: http://www.egroups.com/list/eos3/
To subscribe to Canon FD cameras mailing list send e-mail to:
and in the body of message write only the following material and no more:
- List is for the discussion of all Canon FD cameras, lenses and accessories.
To subscribe to the Leica users list send a message to:
and in the body of message write only the following material and no more:
SUBSCRIBE leica-users
- Leica cameras and Leica photographic practice
To subscribe to the Leica Enthusiasts web list
go to the following website: http://www.freelists.org/list/leica
and follow the subscription instructions once there.
- devoted to Leica cameras and their photography. Leicas from LTM to M and R plus their assorted lenses.
To subscribe to the Leica Reflex Forum web list
go to the following website: http://www.horizon.bc.ca/~dnr/lrflex.htm
and follow the subscription instructions once there.
- specialized list for users of Leica SLR cameras.
To connect with the Leica M Forum on the web
go to the following website: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/MUGers
- specialized list for users of Leica M cameras.
- additionally, they have a gallery at: http://www.leica-gallery.net/
To connect with the DLUG or Digital Leica User Group on the web
go to the following website: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/DLUGers/
- specialized list for users of Leica Digital cameras cameras.
To subscribe to the Rollei users list send a message to:
and in the body of message write only the following material and no more:
- Rollei cameras from the Studio Rolleiflex to the 110 and 126 models,
with concentration on use of these fine jewels.
To subscribe to Zeiss Ikon Collectors Group mailing list
go to the following web address and find subscription information there.
www: http://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/ZICG/info
To subscribe to IDCC - the International Directory of Camera Collectors mail list.
send email to:
and in the body of message write only the following material and no more:
- about antique cameras, and has two swap days each month for posting classified ads.
To subscribe to the CONTAX G mailing list go to the
Contax G User Pages on the WWW listed below and follow the link to the subscription page
- devoted to discussing the Contax G1 and G2 cameras
To subscribe to the exclusively CONTAX SLR mailing list send e-mail to:
with "subscribe contaxslr" or "subscribe contaxslr-digest" in the body of the message.
- exclusively devoted to discussing only Contax SLR cameras, accessories, etc.
www: http://www.contaxslr.com
To subscribe to the CONTAX SLR mailing list send e-mail to:
with "subscribe contax-slr" in the body of the message.
-An e-mail list covering the entire Contax camera line as well as Yashica cameras
sharing the Contax system, and Carl Zeiss lenses that fit them.
To subscribe to Argus Cameras Group mailing list
send e-mail to the listowner at:
and request that you be added to the list.
- list is for the discussion of Argus Cameras and equipment
www: http://www.geocities.com/vienna/7008/
To subscribe to the Pentax Discussion Mail List visit the following website:
- Devoted to Pentax cameras and accessories.
- additionally, the Pentax Users' Gallery is found at:
To subscribe to the Olympus list address a message to:
in body of message write only the following material and no more:
and then send message.
- run by Shawn Wright in Canada for those interested in OLYMPUS cameras.
www: http://Zuiko.sls.bc.ca/swright/olympuslist.html
To subscribe to Yashica SLR Digest list send mail to:
and in body of message write only the following:
subscribe yashica-slr-digest
- focused on problems, tips, second-hand places, compatible stuff from other brands, etc.
To subscribe to the Koni-Omega list address a message to:
leave Subject: line blank
in body of message write only the following material and no more:
and then send message.
- a list for those interested in Komi-Omega medium format cameras.
www: http://snoopy.cmagic.com/Koni-Omega.html
The Koni-Omega mailing list - KOML. For more information and a web-based subscription
form please visit:
The mailing list is open to all interested in Koni-Omega cameras and accessories.
There is also an EMail based subscription.
Send email to:
koml-request@koni-omega.org with Subscribe in the Subject line.
www: http://www.koni-omega.org
To subscribe to the Kodachrome list send a one line message to:
in body of message write only the following material and no more:
- a list devoted to this particular film type.
To join the FidoNet PHOTO conference send e-mail to:
and put in the msg body only:
Subscribe PHOTO [your name]
The (moderated) PHOTO Conference is for the general discussion of all aspects of
photography including equipment, processing and printing, selling, scanning.
To subscribe to Photo-L send the one line message shown below to
in body of message write only the following material and no more:
SUBSCRIBE PHOTO-L your-real-name-here
where it says: your-real-name-here substitute in your real name and send msg.
- general photography from basic to advanced, equipment, travel, aesthetics
NOTE: this list is no longer be available ... mentioned here for sentimental reasons
since it probably was the first general purpose photo list
To subscribe to PROJECT-TALK list of the Center for Photographic Projects send mail to:
and in body of message write only the following material and no more:
- a subscription-based, moderated, email discussion list made available by
The Center for Photographic Projects for the discussion of ideas, concerns and
methods of photographers engaged in long-term photographic projects.
www: http://www.photoprojects.org
To subscribe to the LARGE FORMAT mail list send an email to:
making sure that the word SUBSCRIBE is included in the Subject line of the message.
- this is an unmoderated, open discussion, list for anyone who is interested in large format photography.
The list takes over from an existing large format list which is archived on the www.f32.net web site currently.
There is a web based interface and the usual EMail communication route.
www: or use the web interface to the LargeFormat List at:
There is the f32 Large Format Discussion Forum which has a range of topics including
techniques and photo critiques where subscribers can post their photos.
f32.net is a community for large format photographers with the aim of
sharing knowledge and funding development of processes and photographic travel
Find it on the web at: http://www.f32.net/discus/
The The MEDIUM FORMAT DIGEST has moved to a web based format.
To obtain pertinent subscription and operations information go its website at:
http://www.exeter.ac.uk/mfd/ or
at http://www.ex.ac.uk/~LSDavis/mfd/
- Bulletin Board-type list for discussion of all aspects of medium format photography
To subscribe to DIGICAM a list re: digital cameras, purchasing and operation send e-mail to:
Leave the subject line blank (or enter a space if your software requires a subject line)
and in the body of message write _only_ the following material and no more:
subscribe digicam
- purchase and use of digital cameras by pro and amateur photographers
To subscribe to Digital Photography mailing list send e-mail to:
and in the body of message write only the following material and no more:
subscribe prorental
- devoted to the discussion of digital cameras and backs that produce
file sizes in excess of 10 MB.
www: http://www.prorental.com
To subscribe to Kodak DC120 mailing list send e-mail to:
There are a big bunch of mailing lists devoted to various aspects of the field
PHOTOPRO - A professional photogrpahers mailing list.
To subscribe to a mail list catering to the Commercial Photographer
To subscribe to SUBMINI-L list send e-mail to:
To subscribe to AERIALPRO list for professional aerial photographers send e-mail to:
To subscribe to TQM_PHOTO list for models & photographers send e-mail to:
To subscribe to PHOTO-ED, a list restricted to persons having a bona fide involvement in
To subscribe to PIEAtalk a restricted lisp for members of the
To subscribe to PhotoForum on the Internet, a list for photography and imaging
To subscribe to OPTIMAL - Ophthalmic Photography list send message to:
To subscribe to the UK's Medical Illustrators/Photographers Forum e-mail list
For a PHOTO-HS a list devoted to High Speed Photography, send mail to:
For the PHOTOHIST-L list, a list devoted to the History of Photography, send mail to:
To subscribe to the PhotoHistorianListRPS list send an email to:
Photography, Art or Aesthetics, Craft, History, Photographs or PACHP is a list for those
BigNeg is a mailing list for the discussion of all technical and aesthetic aspects of
To subscribe to the HYPERZNEWS list send e-mail to:
To subscribe to FotoRed a Spanish language Photography mailing list:
To subscribe to FOTO-ALTERNATIVA, a Spanish language list
Para inscribirse en FOTON, la lista del Club Fotografico de Mexico, visite
Para inscribirse en Foro de Fotografia - de la revista Cuartoscuro en Mexico
Para inscribirse a FOTOFORO, un foro procedente de Mexico y dedicada a la
Para inscribirse en CLICK, una lista de discusion
sobre docencia en fotografia administrada desde la Universidad Nacional de
Quilmes, Argentina. Para incorporarse a la lista se debe enviar un mensaje a
Para inscribirse en FOTOART, another Brazilian photolist
To subscribe to Fotografia a Portugese language Photography mailing list:
To subscribe to Fotobr-L, a Brazilian (Portugese/Spanish language) mailing list
To subscribe to FotoBrasil, another Brazilian photolist
To subscribe to PhotoSynthesis, another Brazilian photolist
To subscribe to the FOTOTECH-L mail list in Portugese send email to:
FOTOLIST list (in Portugese) subscription instructions below:
To subscribe to the AQUA-PHOTO mail list (French) send email to:
Photoancienne est une liste de discussion consacre a la photographie ancienne, le recherche sur
The South African Centre for Photography at the University of Cape Town has a southern
To subscribe to Fotoklubben, a Swedish language photo mailing list send e-mail to:
Naturfoto Diskussionsliste (a list conducted in German language)
Archivfoto Diskussionsliste (a list conducted in German language)
To subscribe to Prophoto, a Greek language photo mailing list
send an e-mail message to:
Forum sulla Fotografia Professionale Italiana (a list
conducted in Italian language)
To subscribe to Foto Forum, a Czech language photo list, send e-mail to:
To subscribe to The PhotoLinks Photography Network click on the "Join List"
at the networks website or join with the following link:
To subscribe to ps6 mailing list send e-mail to:
To subscribe to the DIGMAN mailing list for photographers and artists who are
Another photoshop forum can be accessed here:
To subscribe to Photo-CD send the one line message shown below to
To subscribe to PHOTOSHP (Photoshop!) mailing list send e-mail to:
To subscribe to the PHOTOGENEALOGY list send e-mail to:
To subscribe to Imagelib send e-mail to:
To subscribe to the Photo CD on the Web (pcd-web) list address a message to:
To subscribe to 3dARK a 3d Graphics & Animation List
To subscribe to the SCAN list send e-mail to:
To subscribe to Image Output Options (out-opts) mailing list send e-mail to:
To subscribe to the EPSON printers mail list send email to:
To subscribe to AMART-L the American Art mailing list
To subscribe to 16mmfilm, a list for 16mm film collectors/enthusiasts
To subscribe to Pixiport Fine Art Photography, a weblist offering all kinds of services and activities for
This and That:
There is the Immersive Imaging Project hosted by Prof. Helmudt Dersch at
There is a Forum dedicated to the VEF Riga Minox "spy" camera at
PhotographyTeachers is a forum for those with a connection to
photographic education. Find it on the web at:
And here is a link to Jim Miotke's Snapshot - a free weekly text email
newsletter. Go to: http://www.betterphoto.com/subscribe.asp
The The International Kodak Historical Society has been reborn in
Cyberspace as an Egroup list now, a web site to follow. If you wish to
join, send your name, Email and Land mail address, phone number and a
paragraph about your Kodak self to me, George Layne, Georgelayne@aol.com. Then you can converse at Kodakhistory@egroups.com
Leica Photography Discussion Forum - find it at:
The Negative Group is for discussing historic negatives, both glass
plate and film including issues pertaining to printing, identifying, dating,
storing, cataloging, and conserving historic negatives.
Love and photograph horses? Consider the Equine Photographers
mail list. It is located at:
There is the Zone System Forum mail list at Cicada.com
On E-Groups you will find a whole bunch of photo oriented mail lists.
There is the StreetPhoto list at:
For those interested in small cameras, there is the Minoxgraphy Community Forum at:
And there also is the Minox Photography Forum - A BB forum for discussion of Minox 8x11,35mm, APS, 110 photography
There are a couple of Large Format forums and mail-list like boards at:
You will find the Ihagee Exakta Enhusiasts List at:
There is also a Minolta Camera Users mail list at Yahoo:
Interested in Editorial Photography? Here's a list for that:
Find the PhotoHistory list at egroups.com. To subscribe simply send an
Join the Photo Collector Web Ring, an eclectic collection of all types of web sites of interest to collectors.
For those interested in the broader subject of visual communication there is an unmanaged listswerv, VISCOM
Stock Photo News from A-Z FOTOS at
Yahoo has an Infrared Club at:
The Colo-VR group is starting to organize in Colorado. This is for all who are
interested in virtual-tour technology, QTVR, panoramic photography, and 3D
virtual reality. If you are a
Colorado reader of this list, please join the Colo-VR email list by visiting
Polaroid Collectors - another mail list on e-lists
Find a message board for professional users of Subminiature Photographic Equipment,
Mamiya User's Forum
Consider the Philosophy of Photography Forum at:
Then there is PhotoNations a photography list located at:
And then there is the all volunteer not for profit PPC, Panoramic Photography Club, at http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/panoramicphotography,
which now has 447 members and is still growing. If you are not yet a member
please visit and sign up. All are welcome. There are no dues.
The membership list is available to members on line. Everyone is welcome to
post questions, sell and buy equipment, etc. Add a link to your website(s) and
to your favorite panoramic related favorites as well. There is a on line chat
room provided and instant messaging with other members on line. With the free
download you can carry on free live conversations over the internet to other
members all over the globe.
To subscribe to ImageForum send an e-mail to:
To subscribe to the Microscopy and Photomicrography mail list (conducted in Dutch)
There is a "PyroManics" Community on DejaNews created for the sole purpose of
ART DEADLINES LIST: A monthly newsletter (email & paper versions) providing information
about juried exhibitions/competitions, call for
entries/proposals/papers, jobs, internships, writing & photo contests,
scholarships, residencies, design & architecture competitions,
auditions, fellowships, casting calls, tryouts, grants, festivals,
funding, financial aid, and other opportunities (including some that
take place on the web) for artists, art educators and art students of
all ages. On the web at: http://artdeadlineslist.com
There is now a list for Macintosh Epson Users - for the discussion of Epson printers,
Do you do any digital work? If so, take a look at and consider joining this free club
The filmscanners mailing list is hosted by http://www.halftone.co.uk
LeafScan is a list devoted to the Leaf Scanners. To subscribe send an empty message to:
OzImages is a free photographs wanted announcement list.
You can subscribe by sending a blank email to:
Here are a couple of locations where Adobe Photoshop is discussed:
You can find several lists hosted in digest form by
http://groups.yahoo.com/ including
Want more lists? Here is a website with more list info: http://www.meta-list.net.
This list below is one I ran across and seems to indicate some disparity
between some of the listings above and those here. Something to check out
Where are there Minolta Photography users groups?
and many more options about Minolta (and other brands) on this site!
or at http://www.smartgroups.com/groups/minoltaphotography
Please Note: If you have additions or corrections please send them
HERE to Andy Davidhazy
the compiler of this list of photo and imaging lists.
This site has been visited
times since
June 16, 1997.
and in the body of message write only the following material and no more:
subscribe dc120
(to get the list in digest version state instead: subscribe dc120-digest
- devoted to general discussion of the Kodak DC-120 camera.
of professional photography and equipment-specific discussions offered by Photo News Network (PNN).
You can apparently only sign-up for these lists from a website located at
or http://www.photonews.net/forums/pnn-listform.html
PHOTOASMP - The official list exclusivey for members of ASMP
PHOTOTECH - The Photographers Technical Mail List
PHOTOWED - The Wedding Photographers Mailing List
PHOTOSTOCK - Stock photography discussion group
PHOTODIGITAL - Digital photography Mailing list
do it on the WWW by going to: http://www.listbot.com/cgi-bin/subscriber/studioZ
and in the body of message write only the following material and no more:
SUBSCRIBE SUBMINI-L followed-by-your-real-name-here
- For those interested in using or collecting subminiature photo equipment.
www: http://members.aol.com/xkaes/index.htm
and in the body of the message write only this:
- for those interested in the fine points of professional/commercial aerial photography.
www: http://www.aerialarts.com/AerialPro/aerialpro.html
and in the body of message write only the following material and no more:
SUBSCRIBE TQM_PHOTO include-your-real-name-here
- moderated - for aspiring and professional models and photographers to share ideas, etc.
photographic education in AUSTRALIA or NEW ZEALAND at private or government primary,
secondary or tertiary level institutions, send e-mail to:
in body of message write only the following material and no more:
subscribe photo-ed
- this is a mailing list specifically for Australasian photo educators to exchange teaching
ideas, problems, assignments and strategies and foster discussion between members of the
Photographic Educators Association.
Photo Imaging Educators Association (PIEA) send the one line message below to:
in body of message write only the following material and no more:
subscribe pieatalk
and send message.
- PIEA is a photo imaging education group associated with the Photographic Marketing Association (PMA)
educators, professionals and students everywhere, send e-mail to:
in body of message write only the following material and no more:
SUBSCRIBE PHOTOFORUM your-real-name-here
where it says: your-real-name-here substitute in your real name and send msg.
- general photography and imaging list with emphasis on photo/imaging education and
professional practice. Extensive list services include worldwide database of
schools offering photo education, eclectic list of FAQ files, member's gallery, links to
manufacturer's sites, photographic associations, societies, galleries, individuals,
and much more.
www: photoforum.html
in body of message write only the following material and no more:
SUBSCRIBE OPTIMAL firstname-lastname
where it says: "firstname lastname" sub. your first+ last name and send msg.
- specialized list geared particularly to opthalmic photographers
send an e-mail containing details of your job, workplace and membership in
any relevant professional associations to:
Once accepted to the list you will receive an automatically generated welcome
message within 24 hours. You can then start to post and receive messages.
- for discussion of items of interest with colleagues all over the world
and in the Subject line as well as the body of the message say only this:
- Devoted to high speed photography in its myriad of forms but particularly industrial
and non-nuclear applications.
and in the body of the message say only this:
SUB Photohist-L "put your name here between quotes"
You will then be sent an email asking you to confirm your intention to subscribe.
- This is a small list located at the School of Photographic Arts and Sciences at RIT
and devoted to the history of photography.
and in the body of the message state simply:
SUBSCRIBE PhotoHistorianListRPS
This is a discussion list designed to cover the history of photography in terms
of photographers, photographs, process and equipment and sponsored by the Historical
Group of the Royal Photographic Society.
wishing to discuss photography in terms of the art, craft and history of the medium.
Subscribe by sending a blank message to PACHP-subscribe@listbot.com
large format photography.
Check it out at: http://www.topica.com/lists/bigneg
and in the body of message write the following:
-Hyperznews is the mailing list designed to distribute information about latest
developments in the field and is offered by the Hyperzine web magazine
Para inscribirse en Fotored, un grupo de interes en castellano, escriba:
y en el mensaje mismo diga lo siguiente:
SUB FOTORED su-nombre-y-apellido-aqui
- este es un grupo de interes (Mailing List) de topicos relacionados con
la fotografia (y mas) en todos sus niveles, exclusivamente en habla hispana.
www: fotored.html
please proceed to subscription site on the web at:
Para inscribirse en esta lista se hace a traves del URL del Foro
Foto-Alternativa ubicada a: http://es.groups.yahoo.com/group/foto-alternativa
- Lista de distribucin para la difusin de tcnicas y procesos
fotogrficos alternativos en lengua espaola. Con galeria y chat.
www: Ms informacin en: "El Web de la Fotografa Alternativa" www.foto-alternativa.com
http://www.clubfotomexico.org.mx/foro/foton.html para obtener las instrucciones.
envie un mensaje a:
con el siguiente mensaje:
subscribe foto
un foro de discusin e intercambio de opiniones y conceptos relativos a la fotografa.
www: http://www.planet.com.mx/fotografia.htm
AVISO! esta lista quyizas ya no este funcionando.
discusin e intercambio de opiniones y conceptos relativos a la fotografa
simplemente visite la siguiente direccion en el Internet:
< href="http://www.egroups.com/invite/Fotoforo">http://www.egroups.com/invite/Fotoforo
y haga clic en el botn "SUBSCRIBIRSE"
majordomo@unq.edu.ar indicando en el cuerpo del mensaje :
subscribe click@unq.edu.ar aqui-va-su-direccion-de-email
Luego de recibir el mensaje de confirmacion ya puede empezar a participar.
Este es un foro que permite la difusion de informacion y el intercambio de
experiencias sobre la actividad que nos convoca y que cada uno realiza.
visite en WWW el sitio de inscripcion a:
http://www.foto.art.br para obtener las instrucciones.
Para se inscrever na mailing list Fotografia envie un mensagem para:
com texto:
SUB Fotografia seu-nome-aqui
- Um local a discussao da fotografia a preto e branco, tecnicas de revelacao,
troca de truques para obter aquela fotografia perfeita, troca de informacao
sobre material fotografico, comparacao de maquinas e objectivas, dicas de
utilizacao desses mesmos materias, etc.
www: http://www.dei.isep.ipp.pt/fotogaleria
go to the WWW website listed below:
Para se inscrever na lista Fotobr-L de discussao sobre fotografia Brasileira
visite en WWW el sitio de inscripcion a: http://www.fotoplus.com
- o recorte de FOTOBR-L seja estimular o debate sobre fotografia, nao abordando
temas tecnicos.
Para se inscrever na lista FotoBrasil
go to the following location on the web and ask to be subscribed:
Para se inscrever na lista PhotoSynthesis
go to the following location on the web and ask to be subscribed:
FOTOTECH-L para quem gosta e quer aprender sobre tcnicas fotogrficas e
equipamentos, surge uma nova lista brasileira de discusso de tcnicas fotogrficas,
equipamentos e como resolver problemas de iluminao, enquadramento e laboratrios.
Como me inscrevo na lista? Mande um email para:
with the word SUBSCRIBE in the subject line of the message and a blank body.
and stating NOTHING in the body of the message.
No campo "assunto" coloque a palavra SUBSCRIBE e deixe o corpo da mensagem em branco, sem nada escrito.
www: http://www.clicio.com.br/fototechp.htm
Fotolist: lista da Universidade Federal da Bahia
para se inscrever envie e-mail para
sem nada escrito no Subject e no corpo da mensagem escreva:
Qualquer duvida o e-mail do moderador da lista eh mamede@ufba.br
Pour s'inscrire il suffit d'envoyer un mail :
and ONLY stating in the body of the message the word:
comme sujet le mot clef:
- C'est une mailing liste ddi la photographie sous-marine laquelle
vous pourrez vous abonner gratuitement.
www: http://www.aquanaute.com/aquapho.htm
la photographie, les photographes et l'histoire de la photographie.
Pour vous abonner: photoancienne-abonnement@club.voila.fr
URL de la liste: http://club.voila.fr/do/info/photoancienne
African photo discussion group called Saphotocentre-l.
To join send mail to majordomo@lists.uct.ac.za with
subscribe saphocentre-l state-your-email-here
on the first line of the message body
and in the body of message write only the following:
-a general photo list in Swedish - obtain more info in Swedish at:
www: http://www.ateljeulrica.se/fotoklubben
Diese liste gibt allen an der Tier- und Naturfotografie Interessierten die
Moeglichkeit, Informationen und Gedanken in deutscher Sprache auszutauschen.
To subscribe go to: http://www.fotos-online.de/naturfoto/
Diese gibt allen am Bildarchiv- und Bildagenturengeschaeft Interessierten die
Moeglichkeit, Informationen und Gedanken in deutscher Sprache auszutauschen.
To subscribe go to: http://www.fotos-online.de/archivfoto/
Gia na eggrafeite stin lista, tha prepei na steilete ena mail sti dieythynsi:
prophoto-request@photography.gr stating on the first line of the message only this:
stating in the message body:
horis subject kai me tin lexi:
- dedicated to Greek language photographers and is open to discussion on professional photography in Greece and abroad
www: http://www.photography.gr/
To subscribe go to: http://www.tauvisual.it
and in the subject write only the following text:
subscribe fotograf
>br>- the conference is in Czech language and is dedicated to everything about photography.
or go to the following webpage where you will find a subscription form:
www: http://www.mujweb.cz/www/berry_photo/forum.htm
The PhotoLinks announcement list delivers a weekly listing of the latest photographers
and photographic companies that have added their listing to our extensive database direct to your Inbox!
Keep on top of the latest sites that come online by simply visiting PhotoLinks.net
www: www: http://www.photolinks.net
(for individual messages) mailto:ps6-subscribe@yahoogroups.com
(for daily digests) mailto:ps6-digest@yahoogroups.com
it does not matter what you say in message body.
- this list is associated with the PS6.com website for digital images and digital image
editing, scanning and Photoshop. Hosted by Richard Lynch, author of Special Edition Using Photoshop 6.
www: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ps6/
using Adobe Photoshop and/or any other software package to digitally manipulate
images as an art form go to the following website:
in body of message write only the following material and no more:
SUBSCRIBE PHOTO-CD your-real-name-here
where it says: your-real-name-here substitute in your real name and send msg.
- supported by Kodak - everything and more about Photo-CD
Leave the subject line blank (or enter a space if your software requires a subject line)
and in the body of message write _only_ the following material and no more:
subscribe photoshp your-name-here
- note spelling of photoshp - the third "o" must be left out.
and in the NOTE-> Subject: line of the message state only this:
- For people who have old photographs and don't know what to do with them.
Preservation, copying, scanning, and enhancement are all valid topics.
www: http://www.webcom.com/cityg/photogen/
and in the body of the message say:
SUBSCRIBE IMAGELIB your-real-name-here
- This list would be particularly interesting to image orinted librarians
Then in body of message write only the following material and no more:
SUBSCRIBE PCD-WEB First_Name_Last_Name
and then send message.
- The Kodak Photo CD on the Web list deals with the use of Photo CD images
on the Web, based on announcements at the 4th International Web Conference
send email to:
and in the body of message write only the following material and no more:
SUBSCRIBE 3dARK yourfirstname yourlastname
- topics include Demo Reel, Animation Related Media, Job Opportunities, Character Animation, 3d Related Web Sites, etc.
www: www.3dARK.com
and in the body of message write the following:
-a forum for general discussion concerning the purchase and use of scanners.
and in the body of message write only the following material and no more:
- Moderated list is for the discussion of all the options an artist, publisher,
or marketeer have available to produce "hard copy".
www: http://www.TreeO.com/out-opts/out-opts.html
with the subject line left blank
and ONLY stating in the body of the message the word:
- list concerned with Epson Digital printers.
send email to:
and in the body of message write only the following material and no more:
SUBSCRIBE AMART-L your-real-name-here
go to the following website and obtain instructions there:
- directed to collectors of 16mm motion picture films
go to the following website and obtain instructions there:
- all about panoramic photography, etc.
Find it at http://www.egroups.com/group/negativephoto
and Frequently asked Questions about Minox.
Look it up at:
http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~qtluong/photography/lf/ and
email message to: PhotoHistory-subscribe@egroups.com
To join the ring you must agree to place the ring's navigation bar on your home page.
To join the ring go to: http://nav.webr
ing.yahoo.com/hub?ring=photocollectorwe and click on the Join This
Ring button.
that all are welcome to join. Send an email to
with the following in the message body:
subscribe VISCOM Your-Name
Go to http://members.aol.com/drwho781/main.html for info and to sign up.
from 35mm half-frame to microdot at: http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/subminiaturephotography
http://www.topica.com and with
subscription information at http://www.topica.com/lists/photonations
and in the message body, type "subscribe Image Forum" - you'll get a confirmation and away you go.
- this is an alternative to PhotoForum which may be used at any time but
especially when the PhotoForum list has crashed.
go to the follwing website
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Microscope. The list's keyword is "microscope".
There is a shared files area where .jpg photographs can be shared and evaluated
by the subscribers to this list.
discussing the use of PMK developer. On the web go to:
various papers and ink sets and other topics of interest to Macintosh users.
If interested send an e-mail to macepsonlist-subscribe@e-groups.com
If you want info on high quality B&W inkjet printing check out
Digital Black and White: The Print on Yahoo Groups at
Color Management - an APPLE list for color connoiseurs is available as well.
To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to:
at http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/photoshopandgraphicsstudio
or visit: http://www.egroups.com/group/Leafscan
This is a free mailing list of specific buyer photo needs. Top
photographers willing to treat all requests with total
professionalism are invited to subscribe.
Volume varies considerably - occasionally reaching two or three a
day, usually less though.
1. http://www.bios.niu.edu/photoshop/
go to the website and follow directions to subscribe
2. Photoshop Discussion List at photoshop@clio.lyris.net
prodig-request@connect.org.uk - place "subscribe" in message, apparently lots on color management.
the Nikon Manual Focus digest, the Nikon PhotoJournalist digest, and the Large Format digest.
"Alt PHOTO (E-mail)"
To visit my website press HERE