experts at work

Paranormal Photographic Investigations Center

The PPIC Directory

Due to the steadily increasing volume of photographs related to claims of unexplainable phenomena, an elite international group, cadre or consortium of interested image analysis specialists was re-organized under an informal investigative umbrella, the Paranormal Photographic Investigations Center, or PPIC for short, by Andrew Davidhazy on a slow Friday afternoon on April 1, 1994

You are invited to join this unique association of experts and educated practitioners. All you need do is to return the information form attached below.

Choose Retrieve the PPIC Directory Now to view the current list of individuals who are members of this acclaimed investigative unit.

To view several unclassified photographs that the PPIC has examined for authenticity click on Retrieve recent PPIC work. If you can explain any of the phenomena that purport to be ghosts, force fields, orbs or other manifestations of unexplainable photographs contact the PPIC immediately for debriefing.

If you should choose to join the PPIC as an expert debunker note that there is no fee attached for belonging to this uniquely qualified and specialized team nor is there a promise of payment for possible investigative work you may possibly or eventually be called upon to assist with. Current research projects will be shared with the membership as time allows.

This group will only deal with investigations and examination of purported _photographic_ evidence of paranormal phenomena. For consideration as an expert consulting member of this elite group, fill out the application below. You can rest assured your identity will remain confidential and that you may be called upon for significant contributions in the future.

Please answer the questions below and email it following directions to PPIC Headquaters to be added to this elite list of photo-imaging investigative practitioners.

(Please allow a relative amount of time for review of your application.)

Please answer all the questions below and send an electronic copy of your answers to PPIC Headquarters - click on heading to activate a mailto: form automatically into which you can insert your text material.

          PPIC Application Form

          Your Name:
          Your E-mail Address:
          Known Specialties:
          Previous experience in this area:

          Do you see things?: